Intro Kubernetes deprecates API versions over time. Usually this affects alpha and beta versions and only requires changing the apiVersion: line in your resource file to make it work. However with this Ingress object version change, additional changes are necessary. Basics For this post I am quickly creating a new cluster via Kind (Kubernetes in Docker) . Once done, we can see which API versions are supported by this cluster (version v1.21.1). $ kubectl api-versions | grep networking Kubernetes automatically converts existing resources internally into different supported API versions. So if we create a new Ingress object with version v1beta1 on a recent cluster version, you will receive a deprecation warning - and the same Ingress object will exist both in version v1beta1 and v1. Create $ cat ingress_beta.yaml apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: clusterpirate-ingress spec: rules: - http: path
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